Exciting ACC News!

Exciting ACC News!

Hooray! It can now be announced in church that we'll have an Interim Minister starting Dec. 1   His name is Charles Dennis Alger ...prefers to be called Dennis. He's "over 60" years old, has done much of his ministry in Hawaii and Oregon.

He has a good sense of humor, has been an interim pastor already a couple of times, and is Spirit Filled with "Congregational" values. He's very excited about joining us and working with us to form direction for a new ministry. A surprise to the search committee has been an early appearance of a very strong candidate for our next step who will be considered by the newly forming search committee. So far those members are: Bill Day, Tom Dean, Nina Harmon, Linda Young, Anita Baker, Ruth Robinson, and Natalie Morrison in an advisory capacity only. If you would like to serve on that team, please let Linda Young know right away.

ACC has been blessed with the leadership of Barry Cammer, who has worked hard every week to make sure the details of worship are in place. Thanks, Barry! And thanks to the congregation who have been supportive and patient.

Linda Young, Anita Baker and Ruth Robinson

Interim Search Committee