A Labyrinth at ACC

A Labyrinth at ACC

A labyrinth is a path to meaning, circular and convoluted, drawing us to quiet prayer and gentle meditation.

Many of us have dreamt of a labyrinth on our new patio near the new deck, both of which will be built within the next year. We found a well-known labyrinth artist, Lars Howlett, who lives in Richmond. He will design a labyrinth to fit our patio area and install it. It will be constructed so that it is flush with the surface of the patio, so that there is no danger of tripping, and people in wheelchairs can use it. Lars invites us to participate in creating the labyrinth by painting it ourselves (with his supervision). If we paint it ourselves, the cost will be approximately $12,000. If he and his staff do the painting, the cost will be $14,000.

If you'd like to donate toward the cost of the labyrinth, you may send your check to the church or place it in the offering plate. Please write the word "labyrinth" on the memo line.