Creation Justice is More Than Being Green by Ruth Robinson

Creation Justice is More Than Being Green

Ruth Robinson

This week's blog is different than what you have come to expect from Person of the Planet. It is a book suggestion and a reason to read "The 57 Bus". A brief review:

Heartbreaking but infused with compassion, this true story is riveting. The short, compelling chapters of The 57 Bus peel back issues of race, class, and gender in a subtle, empathic way. The writing is intense and insightful, and the reader comes away more aware and feeling more compassion for both teens. 

Kensington and El Cerrito Libraries selected this book for a Two-Cities-One-Book read. We may remember the horrific incident five years ago in Oakland about two teens, one calls themselves (correct new grammar) "a-gender", and the other boy is, well, a boy. One expresses themself by wearing skirts and a baseball hat; the other by being seemingly tough among his peers. Then there was Bus 57, AC Transit, taking the kids home from school.

And a kid was set on fire. This is their story. You can get your very own FREE copy of the hardback at either Library, on the condition you will either return it OR share it with others. It is not long, but compelling; not difficult to read, but contains information we need to hear.

Justice issues, especially around creation matters, are much more than recycling the church bulletin each week.

Bonus: the author is speaking at the EC Library on Oct. 9th, and there will be public discussion groups for both adults and teens later in the month.