Jubilee Weekend is Coming Up

Jubilee Weekend is Coming Up

Oct. 19, 2019

We are proud to be a Jubilee Congregation. Our banner hangs in the Social Hall … But what does that mean?  It means that we have chosen to join with people of many faiths who share concern for those who are most vulnerable. Together we support work on systemic causes of hunger – particularly poverty that is the result of debt or unjust financial practices.  Jubilee staff based in Washington DC are tirelessly serving as the voice of people of faith who wish to create fair economic practices.

Some examples include areas where the Jubilee USA has recently had significant influence:

·        Congress introducing legislation to combat financial secrecy and anonymous shell corporations, where money is hidden to avoid taxes and to hid criminal activity. This type of secrecy facilitates the theft of debt relief aid, human trafficking and contributes to the loss of more than a trillion dollars of revenue in the developing world. We hope to get this bipartisan legislation signed into law in the next year.

·        Moving the White House on eliminating harmful provisions in trade agreements that favor predatory debt collecting hedge funds and abusive corporations. Our continued support will mean Jubilee can push or access to medicines for vulnerable populations.

·        NAFTA: Through Jubilee’s Interfaith Statement on Trade and Access to Medicines  https://www.jubileeusa.org/nafta_and_international_public_health_an_interfaith_call_for_access_to_medicines

·        President Trump to sign a Disaster Bill for Puerto Rico, States, and Territories. Eric LeCompte of Jubilee worked across the aisle to advocate for this bill. 

We at ACC have long been involved in helping serve food, provide shelter, and support families at Christmas, and we also are contributing to the solving some of the root causes of poverty through our support of the Jubilee USA Network.   Our Board of Missions and Social Justice has budgeted $400 a year donation to the work of Jubilee. If you wish to make an individual donation OR learn more about the work, check out the new website for news, prayers, and action ideas   https://www.jubileeusa.org/

Linda Young – for the Board of Missions and Social Justice