Meet Rev. Nate Klug

Meet Rev. Nate Klug

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Rev. Nate Klug

ACC Designated Term Pastor, March 2019

Rev. Nate Klug was born in Minneapolis and grew up outside of Boston. Nate is a 2013 graduate of Yale Divinity School, and he previously served UCC churches in Iowa and Redwood City, California, where he worked for the last two years. Nate treasures parish ministry for the way it brings him into contact with glimpses of God’s grace, from the mundane to the exceptional, every day.

Nate loves to preach, offer pastoral care, lead discussions and studies, and engage with people of all ages. He is especially excited about the opportunity to work with the people of Arlington Community Church to envision a creative future for ministries of community outreach and creation justice, as reflected in the congregation’s Covenant for Life Together.

Besides parish ministry, Nate’s other calling is writing and teaching. He is the author of two books of poetry, and his writing appears in The Nation, The New York Review of Books, and The Best American Poetry 2018. Nate teaches creative writing workshops at the Graduate Theological Union and serves on the board of the Center for the Arts and Religion at the GTU.

Nate is married to Rev. Kit Novotny, an associate minister at First Church Berkeley (UCC). They live in Albany with their seven-month-old daughter, Zoe May, and their terrier, Increase. They love to eat at the Butcher’s Son deli and praise God for the Ohlone Greenway, where they can often be found jogging, riding bikes, or pushing a stroller.

On Sunday January 27, the congregation of Arlington Community Church voted by ballot unanimously to call Rev. Nate Klug to serve ACC as their Designated Term Pastor beginning March 3rd!