Focus Retreat Part II Report: by Rev. Jen Chapman

Focus Retreat Part II Report

By Rev. Jen Chapman

Around twenty ACC members and friends gathered on Saturday, November 11th, for a half day follow up Focus Retreat. We took the goals discerned during our initial Focus Retreat in August, and broke up into three groups, one for each goal. Our work was to brainstorm ideas and choose a few areas of focus and first steps toward each goal to work on in 2024. It was another Spirit-filled day and each group did a fantastic job! I’m noticing that the work we are drawn to seems to center on three major themes: Spirituality, Community, and Justice.

Below is a brief summary of the ideas selected and the point person for each effort. Please understand that while there is plenty here for all of us to be engaged in, these ideas are only “first steps” toward each of our goals. Some of them will come to fruition and others may not, and still others may shift into something different. Additionally, you may have ideas of your own that haven’t yet been shared, and the Spirit may lead us to something none of us have yet anticipated. The important thing is that we’re getting started. Arlington Community Church has been activated toward the work of meeting these goals! 

1) To nurture spiritual vitality in our congregation that leads to peace, joy, and transformation. 

  • Potlucks for Spiritual Nurture - Using some of our scheduled potlucks for activities that would foster an enhanced spiritual life. Potential ideas include meditation and learning about other faiths. Point People: Nina Harmon and Chieko Chambers

  • Book Study Spectrums - Regular book studies offered as Spectrums beginning in January. Point Person: Susan Francis 

  • Lectio Divina Small Groups - Introduction of this method of Scripture reading/reflection as a Spectrum followed by one or more ongoing small groups. Point Person: Caro Grosvenor

    The Spiritual Vitality Focus Group hopes we can be as least as much interested in “being” as in “doing”! 

2) To become a recognizable positive presence in the community, offering tools for spiritual growth and support for the journey

  • Comfort Dogs - Providing visits by dogs to help people feel better and feel loved. Point Person: Ruth Robinson

  • Black Wealth Builders Community Fundraiser - Developing a community event for fundraising and awareness around Black Wealth Builders. Point person: Susan Russell

  • Community Choir -  Bringing people together to sing just for fun, potentially starting in September. Point Person: Linda Young 

  • Marketing Plan - Developing a strategic plan for marketing church activities. Point person: Susan Russell

    The Presence in the Community Focus Group hopes people in the community would know us for our works, and know they are free to participate in our events whether they are members or not.

3) To dig deeper into what it means to be stewards of creation

  • Just Faith Class - Offering an 8 week spiritually grounded educational course on a justice issue this winter. Point person: Eleanor Crump

  • Inviting Speakers - Inviting speakers to educate us further and invite us to action. Topic will be selected in connection with Just Faith class. Point person: Dudley Thompson

  • Investigating Safe Parking - Learning more about Safe Parking programs at local churches and looking into potential viability for a similar program at ACC. Point Person: Jen Chapman

  • Investigating Heat Pumps - Continuing to learn about heat pumps and investigating their viability at ACC in cooperation with Building & Grounds. Point person: Dorothy Streutker

    The Stewards of Creation Focus Group hopes we will be able to look back and see that we have taken significant action on issues of poverty and creation justice.

It’s been just a few short days following the retreat and we are off and running! People are sending emails, making connections, and buzzing with excitement. And we are just getting started! If you weren’t able to be with us on Saturday, I hope you’ll find something on this list that interests you and get involved. (If you’re not sure how, or need help connecting, email me and I’ll get you started.) 

May the Spirit continue to guide us and empower us as we work to deepen our spiritual vitality as a congregation, our positive presence in the community, and our active engagement as stewards of creation.