Council Notes from 5/10/2023 Meeting

Julie opened with a prayer for focus and guidance. Both Julie and Barry reported how much they enjoy working together as our Interim Pastors.

Joe Pratt, Financial Secretary reported that pledges are falling behind, and it was decided to address the congregation regarding this. (see Moderator’s Stewardship Moment printed in this issue).  Elena recommended that people use online banking rather than ‘Tithely’ as it is easier to use and less costly to the church.

Randy Laferte, Treas. Reported that expenditures exceeded receipts by more than $5,500, and pledge money received was light requiring a transfer of $2,000 from prepaid pledges.  Utility costs have amounted to $10,000 so far and the amount budgeted for the year is $11,000.  Several budget lines appear to have been set too low, and the budget will be re-visited in our June meeting, as suggested at the beginning of the year.

Restroom Upgrade progress: Good news is that the demolition was completed.  It was discovered that a wall which needs to be moved is partially bearing the office roof.  A specialized supporting beam will be installed to replace the load-bearing wall.  This will require special instructions written by architect for reinforcement of that area, causing us to dip into our contingency fund for change orders.

Montessori schools report: Growing Light Montessori School reported they are under-enrolled and wish to give up 2 very large rooms.  We will be looking into options for others renting that space.  Income loss of $5,000 a month after their paid lease ending August 30 will result if unrented.

Deck/Roofing Needs:  Flat roof over restroom and balcony is old and must be repaired. $15,000 cost will come from endowment.

Randy’s replacement as Treasurer:  Dudley and Faith are working on this.

Long kneeling benches for communion:  Use is questionable, item tabled until August.

Candidating weekend: May 20 and 21, 2023.  Meet and Greet will be held Saturday, May 20 from 3:00-5:00.   May 21st will be the Cong. Meeting and the vote after worship at 11:00am.

Julie is working with Jen to plan the worship service.  Linda will publish instructions for on-line voting.

Call Agreement:   The Call Agreement was reviewed, a few changes made, and relocation expense not to exceed $5,000 was added to the wording in that section.  The Call Agreement was approved with a unanimous vote by Council.

Review of Bylaws:  Tom suggested we begin a review of the bylaws, find missing pieces, revisit returning Boards to Council, and should clarify how the Personnel Committee and Pastoral Parish Relations Committee are appointed and define their rolls.

Building/Housing Fund Increase:  Council approved an increase in the Building/Housing Fund disbursement from $9,000 to $15,000 and asks Endowment Board to approve the same to begin during the 2023 budget.

NCNCUCC Annual Gathering: Pastor Barry will attend in person.  Dudley, as Vice Moderator will attend and pay his own way, Faith will attend online as Moderator.  Both Barry and Faith will be reimbursed for their registration.

Congregational Retreat: Prior to Jen coming on board, we will have a congregational retreat led by Barry and Julie with the assistance of Faith Formation.  Date to be worked out.

June meeting of Council date will be changed from June 14 to June 21, 2023 at 1:00 p.m.

Faith Abel, Moderator