Southern Jazz Kitchen

Food Truck Fundraiser Success

Last Thursday evening, we invited our wider community to join us for a food truck fundraiser for the Black Wealth Builders Fund and it was a rousing success! We only ended up with one food truck, but we learned that we can definitely pull a crowd big enough for two, or maybe even three! 

Southern Jazz Kitchen raised $300 with their 20% of profits donation. The owner, Michael, who manned the truck along with his wife and daughter, told us he made as much in a few hours at our event as he usually does in a full day! He wasn’t quite prepared to make over a hundred orders that evening, but he said next time he’ll be ready! 

An additional $700 was donated at our information table, manned by Barry and Tom, surely aided by the nearby ice cream table where Elena and Susan Frances served ice cream to all who made additional donations. That brought our total to $1,000! Someone came by at the end of the evening after the truck was closed and still wanted to make a donation, so we added another $40!

People had to wait a while for their orders, but there was a beautiful spirit of community and fellowship with people chatting while they waited and kids running around on the patio. We had a wonderful presentation from Jim Becker from the Richmond Community Foundation, Eric Mills from Neighborhood Housing Services, and Ebony Blake, a recent BWB loan recipient. Each of them spoke of their faith in God and the way they have seen God at work in their lives, in their work, and specifically through the Black Wealth Builders Fund.

Thanks to everyone who contributed to putting together this event and all who came! We provided a fun event for our community that brought people together, and raised awareness about this amazing fund that will surely continue to bear fruit!