Preparing for Advent, 2023

How does a weary world rejoice? What a pertinent question for the times. We hope you’ll join us this Advent season as we come together acknowledging our weariness and welcoming joy. 

We just have three Sundays of Advent this year as the fourth is Christmas Eve and we will only be gathering for a 5pm Christmas Eve service that day. To make the most of our Advent Sundays, we have special festivities planned each week during Social Hour, including concerts by “Two of Hearts” (who you may know as Elena Caruthers and Anthony Knight), as well an Ugly Christmas Sweater contest on Dec. 3rd, a Cookie Exchange on Dec. 10th, and a Nativity Scene Display on Dec. 17th! 

A wonderful Advent devotional from A Sanctified Art, full of art, poetry, music, and thoughtful reflections, will be available to pick up at church beginning this Sunday (Nov. 26th). Please email Jacob in the church office if you need a copy mailed to you. Our Faith Formation team will be offering weekly evening discussions on the devotional book beginning Wednesday, December 6th at 7pm on Zoom. 

We also have some special events this year, beginning with a meditative Moonlight Labyrinth experience led by Ruth Robinson on the first Sunday of Advent (Dec. 3rd at 6pm). And we’ll have a “Service for the Weary,” a Blue Christmas style service, for those who are grieving this holiday season, on Tuesday, Dec. 12th at 7pm (this service will be live streamed on YouTube, but will not show the congregation).

Don’t forget to join us for the Greening of the Church on Saturday, December 2nd! Come at 9:30 for refreshments and fellowship, and we’ll work from around 10am to noon. 

CLICK HERE to read more about our Advent theme and see details about our events for Advent, Christmas, and Epiphany!