Do We Still Need Churches? By Rev. Jen Chapman

Do We Still Need Churches?
By Rev. Jen Chapman

Do we still need churches? This is a question many are asking and a question I have wrestled with myself. I recently accepted a call to be the new pastor of Arlington Community Church in Kensington, so clearly I believe the answer is yes! But it’s not just a blanket yes. What I have found in ACC is a church that is making significant contributions to equity and justice in the larger community, meeting important needs for the people in the congregation, and that has great potential for the future. And that is why I am here! 

Many who grew up in a Christian tradition have left it behind because it no longer aligned with their values. I was raised in an evangelical denomination in churches full of people who loved me well and that shaped me in many positive ways. But my values, along with my understanding of God and humanity, are much different now. ACC is part of the United Church of Christ, a denomination that has given me a lot of hope for the future of the church with attention to issues of justice, full affirmation of the LGBTQI+ community, and intentional diversity in all areas of leadership. This summer the UCC elected Rev. Karen Georgia Thompson, the first woman, and the first Black woman, to lead the denomination as General Minister and President. The election of a Black woman to lead a denomination, or even to lead a congregation, should not be radical or exceptional, but it is. This is the kind of Church I believe is greatly needed, and is one of many reasons I am so grateful to now be a minister in the United Church of Christ. 

When I spend time talking with people both inside and outside of the church, there are mixed feelings about religion, but many have deep longings for community, spiritual nurture, and to be engaged in caring for others and for our world in a meaningful way. These are needs that the church can meet, especially as we leave behind beliefs and practices that have caused harm, and open ourselves to new ways the Spirit is moving. 

I am passionate about abundant life, for myself, for my community, and for all. I long to see the church continue to become more inclusive, her gatherings and offerings a ‘thin place’ where people connect more deeply to the divine and then go out into the world challenged and empowered to do justice, love mercy, and walk humbly with God. I believe my calling at this point in my life and ministry is to help the church find new life, not just survival, but abundance. 

If you visit Arlington Community Church, or watch a service on YouTube, you might just see another small, aging congregation. But this church is so much more! ACC is a spiritual center that welcomes people of all ages, races, mental and physical abilities, gender identities, gender expressions and sexual orientations. These folks are both open-minded and full of wisdom. They love to learn. They value science, the arts, and insights from all spiritual paths including those of other world religions. Committed to being a community where all can explore and deepen their connection with God, they support and care for one another well, and joyfully serve the community, engaging in actions of compassion, justice, racial equity, and care for the planet. 

I believe so deeply in this little church that my family and I moved from Southern California to El Cerrito this July so that I could become their new pastor! My son, Michael, will be a sophomore at El Cerrito High School this year. And my husband, John, is a huge San Francisco 49er’s fan who hosts the 49ers Rush Podcast. If you see me around town, you’ll likely see me with my sweet sidekick, Lucy, our french bulldog. We are enjoying the bay area and looking forward to exploring it more, especially the hiking trails! And I also look forward to meeting many of you and your pets at the annual KCC Community Picnic this fall for the Blessing of the Animals! 

I could not be more excited to see how ACC will continue to thrive, and to participate in the work of this church in our community and beyond. Together, we’re listening closely to God, and seeking to live a life of faith in the Christian tradition, in community, for the sake of the world. If that sounds like something you might want to be part of, come join us!