Rev. Charles DENNIS Alger Interim Minister

Rev. Charles DENNIS Alger

Interim Minister

Dear Members and Friends of Arlington Community Church,

The Interim Minister Search Committee placed a brief note in last week's Parishscope and an announcement was made in church last Sunday. We would like to take this opportunity to share more about Rev. Charles DENNIS Alger. (He prefers being called Dennis.)

Dennis has had a very interesting and diverse career. He has served in interim capacities and spent 23 years as a Hospice Chaplain. He has spent most of his time in Oregon and Hawaii. Dennis has very strong convictions about churches being involved with justice ministries.

He and his wife have two adult daughters and he resides in Southern California near Carlsbad. They have two dogs who make sure he has daily exercise. His post graduate degrees are from the University of Hawaii (Political Science) and San Francisco Theological Seminary.

Dennis has a great sense of humor, which we experienced during his interviews. His references had great praise for him, both written and telephone interviews.

When reading his profile, we knew we had been blessed with a great match.

Dennis will begin Advent with us on December 2nd. We will have a special Coffee Hour for him after church and on Thursday, December 6th, our First Thursday will be a Potluck Dinner with him. (Please put these dates on your calendar.)

He will reside in a studio apartment near the church and we may call on the Congregation to help furnish it.

We know you have loads of questions, please do not hesitate to contact anyone on the Interim Search Committee.


Anita Baker, Ruth Robinson, Linda Young        

Creation Justice Congregation Designation

Creation Justice Congregation Designation

Ruth Robinson

We are proud to announce that the United Church of Christ national office has approved our application to become a Creation Justice Church. This was approved by your vote in September, and the Mission Statement affirmed earlier this year also by congregational vote.

The designation is not given to a relatively small group who are supporting Person of the Planet, but to the entire congregation. One of the unique features of Person of the Planet is that all individuals who feel called to be a "voice for this planet" can be part of this mission, regardless of religious affiliations.

What does that mean, really? It means that our work for social and environmental justice is shown to be a shining light to congregations both part of the UCC and other faith communities; it means that ACC is one of the first in the nation to achieve this. And as such, it put us in the "early adopter" category and places us in a leadership role for our larger community.

Many of us have been on the sidelines supporting a smaller group. Now is the time, really the responsibility, for all of us to lend our presence, our voices and our talents in concert with others to show courage and the faith needed to continue this work.

Here's a suggestion: sign up for the Pollinator email newsletter, from UCC: 

Make sure you're reading the weekly blog from Person of the Planet. You will find inspiration and ideas how to help our Mother, the Earth, and your neighbors.

Exciting ACC News!

Exciting ACC News!

Hooray! It can now be announced in church that we'll have an Interim Minister starting Dec. 1   His name is Charles Dennis Alger ...prefers to be called Dennis. He's "over 60" years old, has done much of his ministry in Hawaii and Oregon.

He has a good sense of humor, has been an interim pastor already a couple of times, and is Spirit Filled with "Congregational" values. He's very excited about joining us and working with us to form direction for a new ministry. A surprise to the search committee has been an early appearance of a very strong candidate for our next step who will be considered by the newly forming search committee. So far those members are: Bill Day, Tom Dean, Nina Harmon, Linda Young, Anita Baker, Ruth Robinson, and Natalie Morrison in an advisory capacity only. If you would like to serve on that team, please let Linda Young know right away.

ACC has been blessed with the leadership of Barry Cammer, who has worked hard every week to make sure the details of worship are in place. Thanks, Barry! And thanks to the congregation who have been supportive and patient.

Linda Young, Anita Baker and Ruth Robinson

Interim Search Committee

A Labyrinth at ACC

A Labyrinth at ACC

A labyrinth is a path to meaning, circular and convoluted, drawing us to quiet prayer and gentle meditation.

Many of us have dreamt of a labyrinth on our new patio near the new deck, both of which will be built within the next year. We found a well-known labyrinth artist, Lars Howlett, who lives in Richmond. He will design a labyrinth to fit our patio area and install it. It will be constructed so that it is flush with the surface of the patio, so that there is no danger of tripping, and people in wheelchairs can use it. Lars invites us to participate in creating the labyrinth by painting it ourselves (with his supervision). If we paint it ourselves, the cost will be approximately $12,000. If he and his staff do the painting, the cost will be $14,000.

If you'd like to donate toward the cost of the labyrinth, you may send your check to the church or place it in the offering plate. Please write the word "labyrinth" on the memo line.

Remnants and Leftovers October 7, 2018 Sermon by Rev. Dorothy Streutker

In the fall of 1975, I left my small hometown of Monroe, WA to attend Harvard University. As much as I had looked forward to this honor, it was a HUGE social shock for me. I wasn’t ready for it, and by early November, I’d told my faculty advisor that I’d decided to transfer from Harvard, that most hallowed of Ivy League institutions, to Calvin College in Grand Rapids, MI.

That’s when I became obnoxious to my few friends. I complained to them about the too-big classes at the Big H, my lonely weekends (my roommate was from Cape Cod and went home or to a sister’s house most weekends), what I saw as a lack of virtue and spirituality, and on and on. They got tired of it, and eventually told me so. They pointed out that while I was looking forward to something new and what I envisioned as so much better than Harvard, they were staying there and trying to look forward to their own experiences. I was pulling down their source of hope, their futures to convince myself that I was making the right choice.

I was making the right choice, for me. For the most part, I have no regrets about leaving Harvard. But I was being selfish to crow about my decision by running down the place I was leaving.

Pastor Tony was much wiser in his leave-taking. He didn’t suggest to us that he was going someplace much better than Arlington Community Church, even though it is hard to deny that being hired for a position at UCC Central in Cleveland is a promotion of a sort. Tony didn’t crow about going home, back to Ohio. He didn’t make us feel like he was leaving us behind. Instead, he emphasized our accomplishments over the years he’d been here, and emphasized hope for future possibilities at ACC.

Our first Scripture reading this morning references the long story of rebuilding the Temple in Jerusalem. It began when a king of Babylon (either Darius or Cyrus – there was disagreement in my scholarly source: Wikipedia!) commissioned a band of Hebrew exiles to return to Israel to begin the rebuilding. Gold and silver vessels and bulls and rams and other staples for sacrifice were given to the group as part of their commission.

Some years later, in the reign of Ataxerxes I, another group of exiles was gathered to go to Jerusalem to take some corrective measures. It seems the first group had become less than faithful to the laws of the God of Abraham and Isaac. Ezra was a scribe and high official in the court of Ataxerxes, well-acquainted with the laws of God. He was chosen to lead this second group of exiles.

When they arrived in Jerusalem, they found that Hebrew men had intermarried with women of the tribes around Jerusalem. They had taken up the practices and observances of these people, abandoning the ways of the Hebrew God.

Ezra calls the newly returned exiles to task. He rent his garments (quite the thing to do in those days to show you were upset) and called the people to perform acts of contrition and to change their ways. He called for all the men who had married foreign women to dissolve their marriages. It was quite an undertaking, so the scripture reveals a little negotiation to address the issue in an orderly fashion.

And as these corrections were underway, Ezra gave words of comfort and encouragement, explaining to the rebuilders their central roll in the history of the Jewish people: Some translations say Ezra called the group a “remnant” put in place to carry out the will of God and to reestablish the Temple. The Message, from which we read this morning, uses “foothold.” The thrust of either word is the same, to emphasize the importance of this segment of the exiled Hebrews to show faithfulness to God as an example to surrounding tribes and kingdoms of the power and to show the faithfulness of God to God’s people.

In sewing, which I used to do (had to – it was clear early on that I would not be able to wear regular women’s clothes) a remnant was something that was left over after cutting out the pattern pieces, good only to be thrown away. Yet here, Ezra uses the concept of a remnant to denote something of value, something cherished, with a distinct purpose. This remnant provided a strong foothold for rebuilding the Temple and demonstrating the power of the Hebrew God.

In the reading from Matthew, we hear the familiar story of the loaves and fishes. We usually concentrate on the multiplication of the food, sufficient to feed the four thousand. But I’d like to concentrate on the leftovers. The collection of leftovers emphasizes the abundance of God, demonstrated by Jesus’ miracle. These leftovers were not abandoned. They became a central part of the story, included in all four gospel accounts of the miracle. The only difference between the gospels is the amount of leftovers picked up!

I’m saying these things in case, despite Tony’s care in leaving ACC, any one of us is feeling like a remnant, a mere leftover. If so, we don’t have to change the words, but how we perceive them. If ACC is a remnant, it is a remnant that is charged with growing in the ways of God. ACC is a leftover that is integral to revealing the abundance of God’s grace.

Besides, just as the future continued for both me and my friends at Harvard, just on different paths, there is a future to discover here at ACC, even while Tony is pursuing his new future in Cleveland. And that future can hold amazing surprises, even though things might at times seem to be going wrong.

I have a story to share to illustrate this point. I’ll admit that it is kind of shoehorned into this sermon, but it’s a story I’ve wanted to include in a sermon for a long time.

Here it is: Ray and I were headed for the High Sierra camps in Yosemite National Park. We had reservations for one or the other of our favorite camps, either Vogelsang or Sunrise – I don’t remember anymore. But we had car trouble while driving up Priest Grade. (If you’ve been there, you know how remote it left us). We had to get towed to the nearest garage, but it didn’t have the part we needed, so we had to stay in that town until the next morning. So we were a day late. And then I started having stomach cramps intermittently, but often enough to make hiking for a full day and sleeping on the ground not very inviting. So we arranged to have our reservations changed to White Wolf, a more plush camp just off Tioga Pass Road. We were both disappointed at not following our original plan, but we were determined to make the best of it. We set out for a short hike one day, hoping to see at least some wildflowers and perhaps a vista. We were trudging along, not exactly enchanted, when we turned a corner and …

… we were suddenly surrounded by butterflies! Thousands of them. Above, behind – all around us. We had wandered into a swampy area that the butterflies were using as a rest stop in their migration. It was, I’m sure, every bit as glorious as the monarchs in Pacific Grove, except better, because we were alone among these colorful, delicate creatures.

The moral of this story, and the tie-in to the theme of this sermon, is that God has surprises in store for us, God’s remnant, God’s leftovers!

Remember when Occupy Wall Street used a kind of call and response to fire up their crowds? I want us to try it, to fire us up. So, here goes. Repeat after me:








A Message from Pastor Tony

A Message from Pastor Tony

Dear friends:

Thank you very much for such a wonderful send off. We were so grateful to see so many of you there. The tacos were a great idea!

We have arrived in Cleveland safely (2600 miles in 5 days!), less than 24 hours before the movers. The cat slept much of the drive. Our furniture and boxes have been unloaded (it will be some time before they are all unpacked!), and Darrell's car, which we shipped, has arrived as well.

We are waiting to hang the beautiful oil painting of the Sonoma Coast until after we've done some painting. We know it will look great in this house. Thank you for that generous and notable gift. 

You will always be in our thoughts and prayers. 

Love in Christ,

Pastor Tony and Darrell

18728 Sloane Ave 
Lakewood OH 44107 

Recap for Tony's Farewell Fiesta By Sue Day

Recap for Tony's Farewell Fiesta

By Sue Day

Tony and the Sonoma Coast painting.jpg

By coincidence - Pastor Tony's farewell luncheon and party fell on Mexico's Independence Day (September 16), so we had a Mexican Fiesta theme with Mariachi music playing in the background. About 70 people attended. Freshly made gourmet tacos were available on the deck with four 12-foot tables laden with pot luck dishes in the Social Hall. A special Mexican cake, Tres Leche (three milk cake) was decorated with "We love you, We will miss you, Your ACC Family".

Concha and Javier decorated the Social Hall in green, white and red, the national colors of Mexico.

Our gifts to Tony and Darrell included: royal blue t-shirts with ACC's stained glass love dove logo, a photo album that will contain photographs of attendees, two wool hats knitted by Ruth Robinson and Linda Young with plaques initiating Tony and Darrell into the Order of the Worthy Tam, and finally an original oil painting entitled "Sonoma Coast" by local artist Iris Sabre. Tony and Darrell often drove to the ocean for rest and rejuvenation.  

After lunch 20 singers from the Oakland Gay Men's Chorus**, with whom Tony often sang, performed "It's a Wonderful World".

Assisting Sue Day, Coordinator, were the following: Nina Harmon, Sara and Randy Laferte, Ruth Robinson, Dudley Thompson, Concha Delgado, Bill Day, Helen Winters, Elena Caruthers, Jaima Roberts, Barry Cammer, Alan Gardiner, Ron Yourd, Natalie Morrison, and Beatrice Gonzalez (our facilities caretaker's wife) who made Uruguayan cookies with caramel and vanilla icing with coconut flakes.

** This talented group will be giving a Christmas Concert at ACC on December 9 at 4 PM! Save the Date!!

Spectrum: Blue Theology with Rev. Deboray Streeter

Spectrum: Blue Theology with Rev. Deboray Streeter

September 23 @ 11:30 am

You are invited to join us in the Fireside Room for a Spectrum presentation by Deborah Streeter on Blue Theology. The program starts just after you've had a chance to get a cup of coffee after worship today.

Rev. Deborah Streeter is authorized by the United Church of Christ to be "Minister for Blue Theology," preaching and teaching about ocean spirituality and ocean stewardship.

She is a member of two churches; La Selva Community United Church of Christ, and the Christian Church of Pacific Grove, where she co-founded their Blue Theology program, which provides learning/serving/retreat opportunities for youth and adults on ocean stewardship and spirituality. She writes a weekly "Blue Theology Tide-ings" blog on Facebook and at: &

Deborah has served as a local church pastor, campus minister (UC Berkeley), hospital chaplain (Stanford Hospital), associate conference minister for the UCC and editor of their monthly regional newspaper. She has taught at Pacific School of Religion and in Santa Clara University's Environmental Studies program.

Into the Future by Barry Cammer

Into the Future

By Barry Cammer

First of all, traveling mercies for Tony and Darrell - and their cat. Tony and Darrell made the decision to leave, but I'm sad to see them go. Even though this is a good move for them, I have to imagine that they feel a little fear and anxiety for the unknown. My prayer for them is that these next few weeks and months feel more like an adventure with its attendant excitement; like going downhill on a roller coaster. We scream bloody murder and they scream for joy at the bottom, before we do it all again. It is inappropriate to contact Tony and Darrell from this point forward, but holding them in prayer is not only okay, but a good thing.

We, too, are on an adventure, with more than a little unknown in our future. Trust me when I tell you that wringing of hands won't do any good. What will do some (or a lot of) good is that we remember. Remember that we are a community of faith where we love, care for, and nurture each other. Remember that we are a community where everyone has a role. I remember teaching Vacation Bible School in Eastern Oregon in 1984 after my first year of seminary. I found myself joyfully singing, "All God's children have a voice in the choir, some sing low, some sing higher, some sing out loud on the telephone wire. And some just clap their hands, or paws, or anything they've got now..." Remember that we are surrounded by Spirit, holding our journey, encouraging us and guiding us on our path of choosing our next settled pastor.

So take a few minutes right now, as you read this, and lift in prayer the following:

Tony, Darrell and their cat.

Nina and the entire church council

For the interim search committee and for the person they choose

For the pastoral search commit and for the person who will become our next pastor

For each other at Arlington Community Church

For our transition time

For ourselves

And finally, a word about who we are. As a pastoral counselor, I've worked with lots of people who have ended a relationship. So often, they want to immediately look for a new relationship as a means of healing what hurts. More often than not, they bring their broken heart, anger and disappointment to a new relationship and live out their hurt in unhealthy ways. I always suggest that an individual do some personal work after a relationship. Be clear about who you are, do the healing and grief work that's needed, and then bring THAT strong person into a new relationship.

I'd like to take this moment to suggest that this transition to new pastoral leadership is a perfect time for us to fully claim who we are as a community of faith. I'd like us to clarify our strengths, acknowledge our limitations, do our grieving and healing and bring THAT congregation into a new relationship with a new pastor. A pastor does not define who we are. A pastor reflects who we are. Who are we? Who are we becoming? And how can you help move our community forward into the future?

Rev. Barry Cammer

P.S. We're going to have a variety of preachers for the next 6-8 weeks. So maybe this is a good time to share that, while I liked and appreciated Tony's preaching, I never come to worship to hear Tony. I come to be with my community of faith - all of you. So I ask that each of you commit to worshiping with us MORE during this transition, not less. We are so much more alive and stronger when everyone shows up. Your presence is felt. Your absence is also felt. Worship with us.

Upcoming Preachers

September 30 - Barry Cammer

October 7 - Dorothy Streutker

Interim Search Process Update for the Congregation

Interim Search Process

Update for the Congregation

Tony spoke in his last sermon about doing things together. Over the next months, we will be "Being Church" in our continuation of worship that feeds and inspires us, running the day to day operation of the church, reaching out with mission work, and planning for new Pastoral Leadership.

I was asked recently if we would "vote on the new minister". Because we are a Congregational Church and our "Polity" structure calls for "bottom up" governance of the church, we have a Congregational Meeting to approve of bylaws, budgets, officers, and the appointment of a new settled minister. After our interim minister is selected, in place, and facilitating our work together, we will be launching a search for a "settled minister". That search will involve the congregation in many ways: sharing our dreams and needs, developing a profile of our church that will serve us in years to come, forming a Search Committee, and ultimately (in a Congregational Meeting after we have been introduced to the final candidate), and (yes indeed) voting on a settled minister. That process has been known to take from months to a couple of years. It will be the job of the interim minister to facilitate the involvement of the congregation in that process.

In the meantime, some matters - for efficiency sake - are under the approval of the elected Church Council.   The search/approval process for an Interim Minister is one of those matters. The Elected Church Council will be voting on the Interim Minister.

ACC Bylaws: Under section titled Ministers

Section F. The Interim Period between Pastorates: Upon notice of a pastoral vacancy, the Church Council shall meet within a week to determine the pastoral needs of the church. When those needs require that a Minister be called to fill the vacated pastorate, the Directors shall take two actions:

1. Appoint an Interim Minister Search Committee to seek a candidate for Interim Minister, who shall do the specialized work needed during the interim period between the departure of a minister and the calling of a candidate for the vacant pastorate. The Interim Minister Search Committee shall consist of not less than three (3) nor more than seven (7) active Members.

a. The Interim Minister Search Committee may contact the Northern California Nevada Conference placement officer responsible for interim ministry, for advice and counsel; and shall ultimately introduce a candidate to the Church Council.

b. The terms of the interim ministry contract shall be reviewed and approved by the Church Council.

c. The interim candidate shall be called by at least a three-fourths vote of the Council members present.

2. Begin the search for a permanent minister, by setting in motion the steps in Section C, Calling a Minister.   (Section C, will be printed here later.)

The Interim Search Committee (Linda Young, Anita Baker, and Ruth Robinson) continues to move forward. Finding candidates that are qualified for this unique role is not easy, but some promising candidates are emerging. In the meantime, we extend gratitude to Barry, Susan and the whole team that is planning a worship structure and arranging for pulpit support in the weeks to come.

Linda Young,

Interim Search Committee Chair